Cuéntame una Geohistoria

Mini animated series for children about geology. I was in charge of designing characters, logo, backgrounds and props.

Project financed by the Public Science program of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation.

The project is aimed at preschool-age boys and girls and consists of an animated series of 5 chapters, which tells the story of two twin brothers from Curicó, Joaquín and Catalina, and how their vacations touring various parts of the country are affected by different socionatural disasters. The stories take place in Chañaral, Limache, Dichato, Villarrica and Puerto Aysén, cities that have been affected by natural phenomena.

Thanks to the whole team for making this project:

Alfredo, Pas, Catalina and Isabella (geologists)
Carolina (preschool educator)
Mabel (graphic designer and illustrator)
Alejandro (geologist)
Joaquín (anthropologist),
Estefanía, Cristopher and Javier (animators)
María Ignacia (illustrator)
Nicolás (geologist in charge of the scientific illustrations)
Valentina (music)